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内容简介:一、为了适应改革开放的需要,便于国内外各界了解中国林业建设与发展情况,我们编辑的《中国林业统计年鉴》从1987年开始公开出版,每年出版一册,供广大读者作为资料性的工具书使用。 二、本书系根据各省、自治区、直辖市林业管理部门和国家林业局直属单位上报的2017年林业统计年报和其他有关资料编辑而成。全书分为:森林和湿地资源、生态建设、产业发展、从业人员和劳动报酬、林业投资、林业教育6个部分及东北、内蒙古重点国有林区森工企业主要统计指标、林业工作站和乡村林场基本情况、森林主要灾害情况、全国分县造林情况、全国历年主要统计指标完成情况、2008~2017年主要林产品进出口情况、野生动植物进出口情况和世界主要国家林业情况8个附录。 三、本书中内蒙古集团、吉林集团、长白山集团、龙江集团和大兴安岭指内蒙古森工集团、吉林森工集团、长白山森工集团、龙江森工集团和大兴安岭林业集团。本书数据除特别标注外不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区以及台湾省。 四、“-”表示数据不足本表最小单位数、不详或无该项数据。 五、为了不断提高图书质量,竭诚欢迎广大读者提出改进意见。 To meet requirements of reform and opening-up,China Forestry Statistical Yearbook has been annually published since 1987.The year-book,as a reference tool,is used to help people from all walks of life at home and abroad to understand forestry construction and development in China. China Forestry Statistical Yearbook 2017 is edited on the basis of some relevant information and the statistics submitted by the competent forestry departments of provinces,autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the Central Government and some institutions affiliated to the State Forestry Administration.The yearbook is composed of 6 components including forest and wetland resources,ecological improvement,development of forestry industry,employment,forestry in-vestment and education.It also contains 8 appendices of major statistical data of forest industry enterprises in the key state-owned forest are-as of the Northeast region and Inner Mongolia,forestry working stations and rural forest farms,major forest disasters,afforestation in counties,main forestry statistical indicators over years,import and export of primary forest products(2008-2017),import and export of wild fauna and flora and forestry in major countries of the world. In the yearbook,Inner Mongolia Group,Jilin Group,Changbai Mountain Group,Longjiang Group and Daxinganling refer to Inner Mongolia Forest Industry Group,Jilin Forest Industry Group,Chang-bai Mountain Forest Industry Group,Longjiang Forest Industry Group and Daxinganling Forestry Group. The yearbook(in case there are no specific notes)does not include the data of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province. “-”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table or the data are not available. In order to improve the quality of the yearbook,the suggestions and comments are warmly welcomed.